弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页


Ready to launch your technology from lab to market?


As 弗吉尼亚理工大学 faculty members and graduate students, our community has access to one of the nation’s leading innovation programs. 美国国家科学基金会 第一军团 program can help you ascertain the commercial potential of your team’s innovation or invention while assisting you in developing business skills and broadening your professional network.


探索 taking new technology to the marketplace.



Learn how to validate your potential business model through methodical Customer Discovery.


Network with leading re搜索 institutions in the Mid-Atlantic 第一军团 hub.


Increase your odds of getting an SBIR or STTR grant. 建立通往50,000美元奖助金的途径.

第一军团项目, 由国家科学基金会资助, offers workshops and mentorship to help scientific re搜索ers become entrepreneurs. 的 program provides funding for teams to validate their customer market so they can confidently choose whether to pursue commercialization and prepare to apply for SBIR funding.


在弗吉尼亚理工大学, our regional course prepares your team to apply to the national program in a unique fashion. 网上赌博网站十大排行不仅把你介绍给 商业模式画布 以及它的应用 客户发现, we help you learn how to analyze the data you are gathering from potential customers and uncover its meaning for your startup.

  • Workshops on business model and 客户发现
  • Taught by successful entrepreneurs using Lean Launchpad methodology
  • 2 half-day sessions to “kick off” and half-day “closing workshop”
  • 每周90分钟的在线辅导课程
  • 进行30次客户发现访谈
  • Become eligible for national 第一军团的团队

2) 第一军团团队:国家级

第一军团的团队 is a nation-wide program composed of academic re搜索ers, student entrepreneurs and business mentors that participate in rigorous 课程 administered through on-site activities and via online instruction.

  • 7-week national cohort for top teams from across the US (Offered 16x per year)
  • $25-50k to do 100+ 客户发现 interviews anywhere you need to go
  • Personalized instruction and team mentoring from successful entrepreneurs
  • 为期3天的现场“启动”研讨会, 6 weeks to conduct interviews; 90-minute weekly report ins; and 2-day “Lessons Learned” workshop
  • Decide whether to pursue commercialization
  • Identify next steps including SBIR application

国家科学基金会的第一军团 这个项目是为科学家设计的, engineers and entrepreneurs of every technical background beyond the campus labs and classrooms and toward commercialization. 自从第一军团与NSF合作成立以来, 已被美国国家卫生研究院采用和应用, 美国国家航空航天局, 国防部, 国土安全部, and many other government entities as well as many private companies.  

弗吉尼亚理工大学是 第一军团中大西洋中心, offering regional short courses that prepare teams to both apply for and participate in the national program. All of the methodologies taught shift thinking and approaches for not only tech translation but re搜索 and teaching methods as well.  

的 NSF 第一军团 program began in 2011 and is focused on risk reduction in relationship to tech transition through the application of 客户发现 and business intelligence gathering and mentoring by experienced industry business leaders. Instructors are entrepreneurs in their own right and coach scientists on evidenced-based entrepreneurship and how to develop a repeatable, 可扩展的商业模式.

Thousands of faculty and students have employed the program - and its $50,000 grant - to create winning business decisions, raise millions of dollars in funding and launch companies or license IP.



Upcoming Regional Short Courses within the 第一军团中大西洋中心


Updates will be forthcoming for the Spring 2024 Short Course.

Additional 第一军团 Short 课程:

弗吉尼亚理工大学 faculty and re搜索ers can participate in any course offered by universities within the NSF 第一军团中大西洋中心. Please click the following link to view upcoming programs offered by members of the hub:  即将到来的课程






LAUNCH副总监, Biomedical and Health Sciences and Technology



We’re working together to build, utilize, and sustain the national innovation ecosystem

弗吉尼亚理工大学是 NSF 第一军团中大西洋中心. 中心, along with all other 第一军团 Hubs across the country, work together to develop and sustain innovation in the U.S. Other members of the Mid-Atlantic Hub include Johns Hopkins University, 马里兰大学, 乔治华盛顿大学, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 北卡州立大学, 和更多的.